DGT Trust

Benefit to Community

The success of the DGT-Run is wholly dependant on the support of the local communities through which the race will run. It is vital that they see value in, and benefit from the DGT-Run. The organisers recognise this as one of the key factors of the event and are working to establish and develop this relationship between the event and the community.

The Bigger Picture

As we build the relationship with the local communities part of the larger goal is to develop the DGT route to facilitate more hiking and casual visitors to the region. The DGT-Run will then be the annual high profile event through the area which will assist with raising the much needed funding and exposure needed to achieve this. Part of this vision includes:

  • Create an established hiking trail which can form part of Lesotho’s Tourism Industry

  • Erect permanent shelters and hiking huts along the route. To be run and maintained by the local communities

  • Set up safety protocols to assist with the safe passage of hikers / runners and tourists through the area

  • Ensure a safe environment where both visitors and local communities appreciate each other

  • Create clearly defined and accessible shorter segments of the route so that runners/hikers aren’t forced to do the whole DGT course. This will increase visitor traffic and promote return visits as they aim to complete the whole route.

Fundraising & Revenue

Fundraising will be a core vision of the DGT. This will have a two-pronged focus.

Funds Raised directly by the Event

  • A portion of each Entry Fee will be directed back into community projects along the DGT route

  • Event entrants will be encouraged to become Friends of DGT and raise funds through their own networks. This approach has proved highly successful in multiple events around the world

  • Sponsors will be encouraged to get behind community projects

  • The employment of local support wherever possible during the event

Funds generated through Sustainable Long-term Initiatives

  • Via the DGT Trust that will focus on long-term fundraising and sustainable projects

  • The creation of semi-permanent jobs along the route associated with Tourism with a particular focus on Guiding, Mountain Rescue, Overnight Accommodation and Catering

DGT Trust

Establish a trust to manage and distribute the funds raised by the various initiatives and projects established as part of the DGT Corridor

Potential Trustees:

  • Lesotho District Chiefs

  • Lesotho Tourism / Government official

  • Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Representative

  • Mountain Club of South Africa Rescue Official

  • DGT Corridor / Run Representatives

  • Runner / Hike Representative